Greetings my Family,
My name’s Miguel Angel Moreno Lacalle and I’m the founder of Moreno-Lacalle.com & the president of Alfa Logos Inc., one of the IT Services leader’s company in Canada (…) |
I thank God for this great opportunity to address you as the National President of the Moreno Lacalle Family Gathering. I’m one of the proud sons of the late José Moreno Lacalle. I represent the Legacy in which all the branches extend from, but most of all I represent GOD who is the head of my life and the beginning of it all.
I am a strong believer that a Family that Prays together stays together. We have a great history of our family roots. I challenge each and every one of you to read our History page and take the quiz on the following page. (Do You know the Story of our history?) Please encourage your children and their children to do it also, it is up to all of us to keep the Legacy alive, so that our children and theirs’ will come to know their family and understand the true value of having such a great legacy.
We want to see you at the next reunion. Start now making plans for the reunion in Siruela, Spain 2017. Please tell your children and their children now about next year’s reunion.
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Last but not least stay strong in the LORD and keep the FAITH, believe in the promises of God, continue to develop spiritually, physically and mentally. The web-site and Facebook is our communication tool, please use it and pass it on to other family members.
Kind Regards and,
May God Bless You and Keep You until we meet again.
Miguel Angel Moreno Lacalle
12421 Lanthier H1G 4R9
Montréal-Nord (Québec)